
Πήλινα δοχεία (πιθάρια) | earthenware jars





Βγαίνοντας από την αίθουσα αναπαραστάσεων και ανεβαίνοντας τις σκάλες βλέπουμε διάφορα τέτοια πήλινα δοχεία (πιθάρια) τα οποία χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στο παρελθόν σε ελαιοτριβείο της περιοχής μας.

Η αποθήκευση του παραγόμενου ελαιόλαδου, για χιλιάδες χρόνια, γινόταν σε πήλινα δοχεία (πιθάρια), από τα μέσα του 1800 η αποθήκευση γινόταν σε μεταλλικά δοχεία και από το 1980 γίνεται σε ανοξείδωτες δεξαμενές.

On your way out of the demonstration room and on your way up following the stairs we can see various earthenware jars which were used in an olive mill of the area.

For thousands of years the produced olive oil was stored in clay pots (urns), since the middle 1800 the olive oil was stored in metal containers and lastly since 1980 olive oil is stored in stainless steel tanks.

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Wenn Sie den Vorführraum verlassen und die Treppe hinaufgehen, können Sie verschiedene Tongefäße sehen, die in den Olivenmühlen der Gegend verwendet wurden.

Jahrtausendelang wurde das produzierte Olivenöl in Tongefäßen (Urnen) gelagert, seit Mitte 1800 wurde das Olivenöl in Metallbehältern gelagert und seit 1980 wird das Olivenöl in Edelstahltanks gelagert.

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La ieșirea din sala de demonstrații și în timp ce urcați pe scări, puteți vedea diverse borcane de lut care erau folosite într-o moară de măsline din zonă.

Timp de mii de ani, uleiul de măsline produs a fost depozitat în vase de lut (urne), de la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea, uleiul de măsline a fost depozitat în containere metalice și, în cele din urmă, din 1980, uleiul de măsline este depozitat în rezervoare din oțel inoxidabil.

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На излизане от демонстрационната зала и по пътя нагоре по стълбите можете да видите различни глинени буркани, които са били използвани в маслиновата мелница в района.

В продължение на хиляди години произведеният зехтин се е съхранявал в глинени съдове (урни), от средата на XIX век зехтинът се е съхранявал в метални съдове, а от 1980 г. зехтинът се съхранява в резервоари от неръждаема стомана.

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En sortant de la salle de démonstration et en remontant les escaliers, on peut voir différentes jarres en terre cuite qui étaient utilisées dans un moulin à huile de la région.

Pendant des milliers d’années, l’huile d’olive produite a été stockée dans des pots en argile (urnes). Depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle, l’huile d’olive est stockée dans des conteneurs en métal et, depuis 1980, elle est stockée dans des réservoirs en acier inoxydable.


Η Ελιά του Μανώλα | Manola's Olive tree





Στον ανατολικό τοίχο του αίθριου στον απέναντι τοίχο βρίσκεται φωτογραφία μιας ελιάς, με διάμετρο 2.30 εκ. σε ύψος 60 εκ από το έδαφος. Η ηλικίας της είναι περίπου 2500 χρόνων με βάση το τύπο
Ηλικία = ακτίνα/συντελεστή.

  In the western wall there is a picture of an olive tree, with diameter 2,3cm and height 60cm. The tree is about 2500 years old based on the formula Age = radius/coefficient.

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An der Westwand ist ein Olivenbaum mit einem Durchmesser von 2,3 cm und einer Höhe von 60 cm abgebildet. Nach der Formel Alter = Radius/Koeffizient ist der Baum etwa 2500 Jahre alt.

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Pe peretele vestic se află o imagine a unui măslin, cu diametrul de 2,3 cm și înălțimea de 60 cm. Arborele are o vechime de aproximativ 2500 de ani, pe baza formulei Vârsta = rază/coeficient.

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На западната стена има изображение на маслиново дърво с диаметър 2,3 см и височина 60 см. Дървото е на около 2500 години по формулата Възраст = радиус/коефициент.

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Sur le mur ouest se trouve la photo d’un olivier, d’un diamètre de 2,3 cm et d’une hauteur de 60 cm. L’âge de l’arbre est d’environ 2500 ans selon la formule âge = rayon/coefficient.






Το Ν15 είναι έκθεση καρπών ελιάς, σε βάζα με φορμόλη για συντήρηση. Στα βάζα υπάρχουν αριθμοί που αντιστοιχούν στους αριθμούς του πίνακα ποικιλιών ελιάς που βρίσκεται δίπλα καθώς και φωτογραφική απεικόνιση των διαφόρων ποικιλιών ελαιοκάρπου.

N15 is an exhibition of olive fruit placed inside jars with formaldehyde in order to maintain them. Inside the jars there are numbers that correspond to the numbers of the olive variety board located in the next room as well as a photographic representation of various olive fruit varieties.

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N15 ist eine Ausstellung von Olivenfrüchten, die in Gläsern mit Formaldehyd aufbewahrt werden, um sie zu erhalten. Im Inneren der Gläser befinden sich Nummern, die den Nummern der Olivensortentafel im nächsten Raum entsprechen, sowie eine fotografische Darstellung verschiedener Olivensorten.

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N15 este o expoziție de fructe de măslin plasate în borcane cu formaldehidă pentru a le întreține. În interiorul borcanelor se află numere care corespund numerelor de pe panoul cu soiuri de măsline aflat în camera alăturată, precum și o reprezentare fotografică a diferitelor soiuri de fructe de măslin.

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N15 е изложба на маслинови плодове, поставени в буркани с формалдехид, за да се запазят. Вътре в бурканите има номера, които съответстват на номерата на таблото със сортове маслини, разположено в съседната стая, както и фотографско изображение на различни сортове маслинови плодове.

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N15 est une exposition de fruits d’oliviers placés dans des bocaux contenant du formaldéhyde afin de les conserver. À l’intérieur des bocaux se trouvent des numéros qui correspondent aux numéros du tableau des variétés d’olives situé dans la pièce voisine, ainsi qu’une représentation photographique de différentes variétés d’olives.





There are 5 subgroups of photograpies for your information:

In the photo room there are 5 subgroups of photographic material for your information.

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Im Fotoraum gibt es 5 Untergruppen von Fotomaterial zu Ihrer Information.

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În camera foto există 5 subgrupuri de materiale fotografice pentru informarea dumneavoastră.

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В помещението за снимки има 5 подгрупи с фотографски материали за ваша информация.

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Dans la salle des photos, il y a 5 sous-groupes de matériel photographique pour votre information.

Υποομάδα Α | Subgroup A





Photographs and schemas showing methods of grinding olives during the last 6000 years.

describes photographically and schematically the ways of olive fruit crushing just like it was done for the last 6000 years.

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beschreibt fotografisch und schematisch die Art und Weise, wie die Olivenfrüchte gepresst werden, so wie es in den letzten 6000 Jahren gemacht wurde.

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descrie fotografic și schematic modalitățile de zdrobire a fructelor de măslin așa cum se făcea în ultimii 6000 de ani.

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описва фотографски и схематично начините за смачкване на маслинови плодове така, както са се правили през последните 6000 години.

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décrit photographiquement et schématiquement les méthodes de broyage des olives, telles qu’elles sont pratiquées depuis 6000 ans.






Φωτογραφική απεικόνιση της πρώτης γνωστής μεθόδου λιοτρίβησηςδηλαδή με στρογγυλές πέτρες και στη συνέχεια και πέτρινο ή ξύλινο κύλινδρο επάνω σε μια οριζόντια πέτρα, όπως είδαμε στην αίθουσα αναπαράστασης. Η μέθοδος αποδεδειγμένα χρησιμοποιήθηκε τουλάχιστον από τον 7 π,Χ. αιώνα.

N16 is a photographic demonstration of the first ever known method of crushing, with the use of circular stones and wooden or stone cylinder on a horizontal stone just like we saw in the demonstration room. It has been proved that this method was used since at least the 7th century BC.

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N16 ist eine fotografische Demonstration der ersten bekannten Zerkleinerungsmethode mit kreisförmigen Steinen und Holz- oder Steinzylindern auf einem horizontalen Stein, wie wir sie im Vorführraum gesehen haben. Es ist erwiesen, dass diese Methode mindestens seit dem 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr. verwendet wurde.

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N16 este o demonstrație fotografică a primei metode de concasare cunoscute vreodată, cu ajutorul pietrelor circulare și a unui cilindru de lemn sau de piatră pe o piatră orizontală, așa cum am văzut în sala de demonstrații. S-a dovedit că această metodă a fost folosită cel puțin din secolul al VII-lea î.Hr.

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N16 е фотографска демонстрация на първия познат метод на трошене, при който се използват кръгли камъни и дървен или каменен цилиндър върху хоризонтален камък, точно както видяхме в демонстрационната зала. Доказано е, че този метод е използван поне от VII в. пр. н. е.

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N16 est une démonstration photographique de la première méthode de broyage connue, avec l’utilisation de pierres circulaires et d’un cylindre en bois ou en pierre sur une pierre horizontale, comme nous l’avons vu dans la salle de démonstration. Il a été prouvé que cette méthode était utilisée depuis au moins le 7e siècle avant Jésus-Christ.






Different types of millstones proven to having been in use since 4th century BC.

N17 is a display of various types of millstones the use of which is proven to have started since the 4th century BC.

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N17 zeigt verschiedene Arten von Mühlsteinen, deren Verwendung seit dem 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. nachgewiesen ist.

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N17 este o expoziție de diferite tipuri de pietre de moară a căror utilizare este dovedită a fi început încă din secolul al IV-lea î.Hr.

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N17 е изложение на различни видове мелнични камъни, чието използване е доказано от IV в. пр.

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N17 est une exposition de différents types de meules dont l’utilisation est attestée depuis le IVe siècle av.






Photographs and schemas depicting mills powered by men or livestock.

N18 demonstrates schematically and with photos mills moved by animals and others that are moved manually.   

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N18 zeigt schematisch und mit Fotos Mühlen, die von Tieren bewegt werden, und andere, die manuell bewegt werden.   

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N18 demonstrează schematic și cu ajutorul fotografiilor mori deplasate de animale și altele care sunt deplasate manual.   

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N18 демонстрира схематично и със снимки мелници, премествани от животни, и други, които се преместват ръчно.   

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N18 montre schématiquement et à l’aide de photos des moulins déplacés par des animaux et d’autres qui sont déplacés manuellement.   






Φωτογραφία του πηνίου (γρανάζι) το οποίο επέτρεψε την κίνηση από οριζόντια σε κάθετη, με τα φυσικά στοιχεία (νερό και αέρα).

N19 demonstrates a picture of a bevel gear, a gear which converted horizontal movement to vertical with the use of natural elements (water and wind).

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N19 zeigt ein Bild eines Kegelradgetriebes, eines Getriebes, das mit Hilfe natürlicher Elemente (Wasser und Wind) eine horizontale Bewegung in eine vertikale umwandelt.

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N19 prezintă o imagine a unui angrenaj conic, un angrenaj care a transformat mișcarea orizontală în verticală cu ajutorul elementelor naturale (apă și vânt).

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N19 демонстрира снимка на конусна предавка – предавка, която преобразува хоризонталното движение във вертикално с помощта на природни елементи (вода и вятър).

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N19 montre une image d’un engrenage conique, un engrenage qui convertit un mouvement horizontal en mouvement vertical à l’aide d’éléments naturels (l’eau et le vent).






Photographic depiction of a modern olive mill like ours.

N20 demonstrates a photographic depiction of a modern unit such as ours.

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N20 zeigt eine fotografische Darstellung einer modernen Einheit wie der unseren.

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N20 prezintă o reprezentare fotografică a unei unități moderne ca a noastră.

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N20 демонстрира фотографско изображение на модерна единица като нашата.

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N20 est une représentation photographique d’une unité moderne comme la nôtre.

Υποομάδα B | Subgroup B





Photographs and schemas describing the extraction of olive juice from the olive paste.

Photographs and schemas describing the extraction of olive juice from the olive paste.

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Fotos und Schemata zur Beschreibung der Gewinnung von Olivensaft aus dem Olivenbrei.

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Fotografii și scheme care descriu extracția sucului de măsline din pasta de măsline.

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Снимки и схеми, описващи извличането на маслиновия сок от маслиновата паста.

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Photographies et schémas décrivant l’extraction du jus d’olive de la pâte d’olive.






Photographs depicting the extraction of olive juice from the olive paste.

N21 demonstrates a photographic representation of olive juice extraction from the olive paste which was achieved when applying pressure to the olive paste with rocks.

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N21 zeigt eine fotografische Darstellung der Extraktion von Olivensaft aus dem Olivenbrei, die durch die Anwendung von Druck auf den Olivenbrei mit Steinen erreicht wurde.

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N21 demonstrează o reprezentare fotografică a extracției sucului de măsline din pasta de măsline, care a fost obținută prin aplicarea unei presiuni asupra pastei de măsline cu pietre.

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N21 демонстрира фотографско изображение на извличането на маслинов сок от маслиновата паста, което е постигнато при прилагане на натиск върху маслиновата паста с помощта на камъни.

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N21 montre une représentation photographique de l’extraction du jus d’olive de la pâte d’olive, obtenue en appliquant une pression sur la pâte d’olive à l’aide de pierres.






The basin for the pressing of olives and the vessel where their juice was collected.

N22 demonstrates the trough (basin) where the pressure was applied as well as the olive juice collection container.

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N22 zeigt den Trog (das Becken), in dem der Druck ausgeübt wurde, sowie den Auffangbehälter für den Olivensaft.

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N22 prezintă jgheabul (bazinul) în care a fost aplicată presiunea, precum și recipientul de colectare a sucului de măsline.

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N22 показва коритото (басейна), където се прилага натискът, както и съда за събиране на маслинов сок.

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N22 montre l’auge (bassin) où la pression a été appliquée ainsi que le récipient de collecte du jus d’olive.






A lever used for the extraction of olive juice from the olive paste.

N23 demonstrates the use of the lever used for extraction of the olive juice from the olive paste

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N23 demonstriert die Verwendung des Hebels, mit dem der Olivensaft aus dem Olivenbrei gepresst wird

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N23 demonstrează utilizarea pârghiei folosite pentru extragerea sucului de măsline din pasta de măsline.

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N23 демонстрира използването на лоста, използван за извличане на маслиновия сок от маслиновата паста

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N23 démontre l’utilisation du levier servant à extraire le jus d’olive de la pâte d’olive.






Different types of levers.

N24 demonstrates various types of levers.

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N24 demonstriert verschiedene Arten von Hebeln.

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N24 demonstrează diferite tipuri de pârghii.

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N24 демонстрира различни видове лостове.

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N24 montre différents types de leviers.






The use of the cochlea to press olive paste.

N25 demonstrates the use of the cochlea to apply pressure to the olive paste

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N25 demonstriert die Verwendung der Cochlea, um Druck auf die Olivenpaste auszuüben

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N25 demonstrează utilizarea cochiliei pentru a aplica presiune pe pasta de măsline

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N25 демонстрира използването на кохлеята за оказване на натиск върху маслиновата паста

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N25 démontre l’utilisation de la cochlée pour exercer une pression sur la pâte d’olive.






Different types of cochleas and a photograph of a hydraulic olive press.

N26 demonstrates various types of cochleas as well as a picture of a hydraulic press.

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N26 zeigt verschiedene Arten von Cochleas sowie ein Bild einer hydraulischen Presse.

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N26 prezintă diferite tipuri de cochilii, precum și o imagine a unei prese hidraulice.

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N26 демонстрира различни видове кохлеи, както и снимка на хидравлична преса.

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N26 montre différents types de cochlées ainsi qu’une image de presse hydraulique.






Photographs of storage spaces for olives and olive oil, dated from the Mycenaean era to today.

N27 is various pictures of storerooms from the Mycenaean years until today.

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N27 zeigt verschiedene Bilder von Lagerräumen von der mykenischen Zeit bis heute.

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N27 cuprinde diverse imagini cu depozite din perioada miceniană până în prezent.

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N27 представлява различни снимки на складове от микенските години до наши дни.

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N27 est une série de photos d’entrepôts depuis les années mycéniennes jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Υποομάδα Γ | Subgroup C





Photographic documentation of the influence olive cultivation and olive oil had to the Greek civilization, expressed through painting, pottery, sculpture, jewellery etc.
Photographic documentation of the influence olive cultivation and olive oil had to the Greek civilization, expressed through painting, pottery, sculpture, jewellery etc.
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Fotodokumentation des Einflusses, den der Olivenanbau und das Olivenöl auf die griechische Zivilisation hatten, ausgedrückt durch Malerei, Keramik, Skulpturen, Schmuck usw.

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Documentare fotografică a influenței pe care cultivarea măslinelor și a uleiului de măsline au avut-o asupra civilizației grecești, exprimată prin pictură, ceramică, sculptură, bijuterii etc.

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Фотодокументация на влиянието на отглеждането на маслини и зехтина върху гръцката цивилизация, изразено чрез живопис, керамика, скулптура, бижута и др.

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Documentation photographique de l’influence de l’oléiculture et de l’huile d’olive sur la civilisation grecque, exprimée à travers la peinture, la poterie, la sculpture, la joaillerie, etc.






Photographs of ceramic pots for the transportation of olive oil and different amphorae with painted decoration themes related to the olive.

N28 shows pictures of clay pots used for the transportation of olive oil, as well as various amphorae whose paintings were about olives and olive oil.

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N28 zeigt Bilder von Tongefäßen, die für den Transport von Olivenöl verwendet wurden, sowie verschiedene Amphoren, deren Bemalung Oliven und Olivenöl zum Thema hatte.

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N28 prezintă imagini de vase de lut folosite pentru transportul uleiului de măsline, precum și diverse amfore ale căror picturi aveau ca subiect măslinele și uleiul de măsline.

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N28 показва изображения на глинени съдове, използвани за пренасяне на зехтин, както и различни амфори, чиито рисунки са посветени на маслини и зехтин.

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N28 montre des images de pots en argile utilisés pour le transport de l’huile d’olive, ainsi que diverses amphores dont les peintures sont consacrées aux olives et à l’huile d’olive.






Ceramic pots connected to olive oil production and storage and vessels containing olive oil products with therapeutic or cosmetic properties.

N29 shows various pottery related to olive oil and other pots that were used for storing medicinal and cosmetic substances based on olive oil.

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N29 zeigt verschiedene Töpferwaren im Zusammenhang mit Olivenöl und andere Töpfe, die zur Aufbewahrung von medizinischen und kosmetischen Substanzen auf Olivenölbasis verwendet wurden.

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N29 prezintă diverse obiecte de ceramică legate de uleiul de măsline și alte vase care erau folosite pentru depozitarea substanțelor medicinale și cosmetice pe bază de ulei de măsline.

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N29 показва различни керамични съдове, свързани със зехтин, и други съдове, използвани за съхранение на медицински и козметични вещества на основата на зехтин.

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N29 présente diverses poteries liées à l’huile d’olive et d’autres pots utilisés pour le stockage de substances médicinales et cosmétiques à base d’huile d’olive.






Πήλινα αγγεία και στεφάνια από κλαδιά ελιάς όπως αυτά χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες. Είναι γνωστή η σχέση της ελιάς και του ελαιόλαδου με τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες.

N30 shows clay pots and wreaths made of olive tree branches, just like that were used in the Olympic Games. The connection between olive and olive oil with the Olympic Games is widely known.

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N30 zeigt Tongefäße und Kränze aus Olivenzweigen, wie sie bei den Olympischen Spielen verwendet wurden. Die Verbindung von Oliven und Olivenöl mit den Olympischen Spielen ist weithin bekannt.

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N30 prezintă vase de lut și coronițe din ramuri de măslin, la fel ca cele folosite la Jocurile Olimpice. Legătura dintre măsline și uleiul de măsline cu Jocurile Olimpice este cunoscută pe scară largă.

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В N30 са показани глинени съдове и венци от клонки на маслинови дървета, каквито са били използвани по време на Олимпийските игри. Връзката между маслините и зехтина с Олимпийските игри е широко известна.

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N30 montre des pots en terre cuite et des couronnes de branches d’olivier, comme celles qui étaient utilisées lors des Jeux olympiques. Le lien entre l’olive et l’huile d’olive, d’une part, et les Jeux olympiques, d’autre part, est largement connu.






Απεικονίσεις σε πήλινα δοχεία από τη χρήση του ελαιολάδου στους αγώνες πάλης.

In N31 there are various depictions of clay pots that contained the olive oil that was used in wrestling games.

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In N31 gibt es verschiedene Darstellungen von Tontöpfen, die das Olivenöl enthielten, das bei Ringkämpfen verwendet wurde.

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În N31 există diferite reprezentări ale unor vase de lut care conțineau uleiul de măsline folosit în jocurile de lupte.

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В N31 има различни изображения на глинени съдове, в които е имало зехтин, използван в борческите игри.

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Dans N31, on trouve plusieurs représentations de pots d’argile qui contenaient l’huile d’olive utilisée dans les jeux de lutte.






Το Ν 32 δείχνει την χρήση του ελαιολάδου σαν μέσο φωτισμού συμμετέχοντας στην λειτουργία του σπιτιού ή σαν καντήλι για λατρευτικούς λόγους.

N32 demonstrates the use of olive oil as a means of lighting participating in the operation of a house or as a candle for worship purposes.

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N32 demonstriert die Verwendung von Olivenöl als Beleuchtungsmittel für den Betrieb eines Hauses oder als Kerze für den Gottesdienst.

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N32 demonstrează utilizarea uleiului de măsline ca mijloc de iluminat care participă la funcționarea unei case sau ca lumânare în scopuri de cult.

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N32 демонстрира употребата на зехтин като средство за осветление, участващо в работата на дома или като свещ за целите на богослужението.

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N32 démontre l’utilisation de l’huile d’olive comme moyen d’éclairage participant au fonctionnement d’une maison ou comme bougie pour le culte.






Depictions of olive tree and olive oil, in amphorae and frescoes from the Knossos Palace.

In N33 there are paintings in amphorae and walls, with olive and olive oil as a theme, from the palace of Knossos..

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In N33 finden sich Amphoren- und Wandmalereien aus dem Palast von Knossos, die Oliven und Olivenöl zum Thema haben.

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În N33 există picturi în amfore și pe pereți, având ca temă măslinele și uleiul de măsline, din palatul de la Knossos.

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В N33 има рисунки върху амфори и стени на тема маслини и зехтин от двореца в Кносос.

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Dans N33, on trouve des peintures sur amphores et sur murs, ayant pour thème l’olive et l’huile d’olive, provenant du palais de Cnossos.






Πήλινα αγγεία, αργυρά και χρυσά αντικείμενα με θέμα την ελιά.

N34 shows clay pots, silver and golden objects with olive as a theme.

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N34 zeigt Tontöpfe, silberne und goldene Gegenstände mit Oliven als Thema.

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N34 prezintă vase de lut, obiecte din argint și aur, având ca temă măslinul.

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N34 показва глинени съдове, сребърни и златни предмети с маслини като тема.

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N34 présente des pots d’argile, des objets en argent et en or ayant pour thème l’olive.






Depictions of olive picking captured by artists through the centuries.

N35 is a painting depiction of oil collection as immortalized by artists through the centuries.

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N35 ist ein Gemälde, das eine Ölsammlung darstellt, wie sie von Künstlern im Laufe der Jahrhunderte verewigt wurde.

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N35 este o pictură care descrie colecția de ulei așa cum a fost imortalizată de artiști de-a lungul secolelor.

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N35 е картина, изобразяваща колекция от масла, увековечена от художниците през вековете.

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N35 est une peinture représentant une collection d’huile telle qu’immortalisée par les artistes à travers les siècles.

Υποομάδα Δ | Subgroup D





Historic documentation through photographs of the timeless bond of the olive tree and olive oil with the Greeks and the Greek financial life.

Historic documentation through photographs of the timeless bond of the olive tree and olive oil with the Greeks and the Greek financial life.

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Historische Dokumentation der zeitlosen Verbundenheit des Olivenbaums und des Olivenöls mit den Griechen und dem griechischen Finanzleben anhand von Fotos.

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Documentare istorică, prin intermediul fotografiilor, a legăturii atemporale a măslinului și a uleiului de măsline cu grecii și cu viața financiară grecească.

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Историческа документация чрез снимки на непреходната връзка на маслиновото дърво и зехтина с гърците и гръцкия финансов живот.

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Documentation historique par le biais de photographies du lien intemporel entre l’olivier et l’huile d’olive, d’une part, et les Grecs et la vie financière grecque, d’autre part.






Το Ν 36 είναι επιγραφές της Β ελληνικής γραφής που χρονολογούνται από το 1300 π.χ. και αναφέρονται στην ελιά και το ελαιόλαδο, δείχνοντας διάφορες οικονομικές συναλλαγές και εμπορικές πράξεις. Είναι οι πρώτες γραπτές μαρτυρίες για την ελιά και το ελαιόλαδο σαν οικονομική παράμετρος.

N36 are inscriptions written in Linear B which date back to 1300 BC and refer to olive and olive oil, noting various economic and commercial transactions. They are the first written evidence about olives and olive oil as an economic parameter.

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N36 sind in Linear B geschriebene Inschriften, die auf 1300 v. Chr. zurückgehen und sich auf Oliven und Olivenöl beziehen, wobei verschiedene wirtschaftliche und kommerzielle Transaktionen erwähnt werden. Sie sind die ersten schriftlichen Belege für Oliven und Olivenöl als Wirtschaftsfaktor.

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N36 sunt inscripții scrise în Linear B care datează din 1300 î.Hr. și se referă la măsline și ulei de măsline, menționând diverse tranzacții economice și comerciale. Ele reprezintă primele dovezi scrise despre măsline și ulei de măsline ca parametru economic.

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N36 са надписи, написани на линеарна система B, които датират от 1300 г. пр.н.е. и се отнасят до маслини и маслиново масло, като отбелязват различни икономически и търговски сделки. Това са първите писмени свидетелства за маслините и зехтина като икономически параметър.

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N36 sont des inscriptions écrites en linéaire B qui remontent à 1300 av. J.-C. et qui font référence à l’olive et à l’huile d’olive, en notant diverses transactions économiques et commerciales. Elles constituent la première preuve écrite de l’existence des olives et de l’huile d’olive en tant que paramètre économique.






Απανθρακωμένοι καρποί όπως τους ανακάλυψε η αρχαιολογική σκαπάνη. Η χρήση του ελαιοκάρπου για τη διατροφή του Ελληνα αποδεικνύεται από τις ελιές της Ζάκρου. Πρόκειται για ένα πήλινο οικιακό σκεύος (πιάτο) με 45 βρώσιμες ελιές, σε άριστη κατάσταση, που βρέθηκε στον πυθμένα ενός πηγαδιού και χρονολογείται τουλάχιστον 4.000 χρόνια, πιθανόν πρόκειται για προσφορά στον θεό Εγκέλαδο. 

N37 shows carbonized olive fruit as they were when discovered from the archaeological digging. The use of the olive fruit in the diet of the Greek man is proven by the olives of “Zakros”. It is a clay household utensil (plate) with 45 edible olives, in excellent condition, found at the bottom of a well and dating back at least 4000 years, it is thought to be an offering to the god Egelados.

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N37 zeigt verkohlte Olivenfrüchte, wie sie bei den archäologischen Ausgrabungen entdeckt wurden. Die Verwendung der Olivenfrucht in der Ernährung des griechischen Menschen wird durch die Oliven von “Zakros” bewiesen. Es handelt sich um ein tönernes Haushaltsgerät (Teller) mit 45 essbaren Oliven, das in ausgezeichnetem Zustand ist, auf dem Grund eines Brunnens gefunden wurde und mindestens 4000 Jahre alt ist; man nimmt an, dass es sich um eine Opfergabe an den Gott Egelados handelt.

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N37 prezintă fructele de măslin carbonizate așa cum erau când au fost descoperite în urma săpăturilor arheologice. Folosirea fructului de măslin în alimentația omului grec este dovedită de măslinele din “Zakros”. Este o ustensilă de uz casnic (farfurie) din lut cu 45 de măsline comestibile, în stare excelentă, găsită pe fundul unei fântâni și datând de cel puțin 4000 de ani, se crede că este o ofrandă adusă zeului Egelados.

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N37 показва карбонизирани маслинови плодове във вида, в който са били открити при археологическите разкопки. Използването на маслиновите плодове в диетата на гръцкия човек се доказва от маслините от “Закрос”. Това е глинен домакински съд (чиния) с 45 ядливи маслини, в отлично състояние, намерен на дъното на кладенец и датиращ отпреди поне 4000 години, за който се смята, че е жертвоприношение на бог Егеладос.

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N37 montre des olives carbonisées telles qu’elles étaient lorsqu’elles ont été découvertes lors des fouilles archéologiques. L’utilisation de l’olive dans le régime alimentaire de l’homme grec est prouvée par les olives de “Zakros”. Il s’agit d’un ustensile ménager (assiette) en argile avec 45 olives comestibles, en excellent état, trouvé au fond d’un puits et datant d’au moins 4000 ans, on pense qu’il s’agit d’une offrande au dieu Egelados.






A fresco from the Knossos Palace depicting an olive tree, proves the vital financial value of the specific tree.

N38 shows a mural (fresco), from a palace in Knossos, showing an olive grove, indicating the economic value of the olive.

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N38 zeigt ein Wandgemälde (Fresko) aus einem Palast in Knossos, das einen Olivenhain darstellt und auf den wirtschaftlichen Wert der Olive hinweist.

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N38 prezintă o pictură murală (frescă), dintr-un palat din Knossos, care prezintă o plantație de măslini, indicând valoarea economică a măslinului.

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N38 показва стенопис (фреска) от дворец в Кносос, на който е изобразена маслинова горичка, което показва икономическата стойност на маслините.

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N38 montre une fresque murale, provenant d’un palais de Cnossos, représentant une oliveraie, indiquant la valeur économique de l’olive.






Περιγράφει σχηματικά την άποψη των ιστορικών για την εξάπλωση της ευρωπαϊκής ελιάς από τη Μέση ανατολή (Συρία, Παλαιστίνη) προς τα δυτικά.

 N39 describes schematically the point of view that historians have about the spread of the European olive from the Middle East (Syria, Palestine) to the west.    

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N39 beschreibt schematisch die Sichtweise der Historiker über die Ausbreitung der europäischen Olive vom Nahen Osten (Syrien, Palästina) nach Westen.    

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N39 descrie schematic punctul de vedere pe care istoricii îl au despre răspândirea măslinului european din Orientul Mijlociu (Siria, Palestina) spre vest.    

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N39 описва схематично гледната точка на историците за разпространението на европейската маслина от Близкия изток (Сирия, Палестина) на запад.    

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N39 décrit schématiquement le point de vue des historiens sur la diffusion de l’olive européenne du Moyen-Orient (Syrie, Palestine) vers l’ouest.    






Απολιθωμένα φύλλα της ευρωπαϊκής ελιάς που βρέθηκαν στην Κύμη, Νίσυρο και Σαντορίνη, ηλικίας 50.000 ετών, κάτι που επιβεβαιώνει την ύπαρξη της ελιάς στον ελλαδικό χώρο πολύ πριν από τις χρονολογίες που αναφέρουν οι ιστορικοί.

N40 shows fossil leaves of European olive, found in Kimi,Nisyros and Santorini. These leaves are 50.000 years old, a fact that confirms the existence of olive in Greece long before the dates mentioned by historians.

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N40 zeigt fossile Blätter der europäischen Olive, die in Kimi, Nisyros und Santorin gefunden wurden. Diese Blätter sind 50.000 Jahre alt, eine Tatsache, die die Existenz der Olive in Griechenland lange vor den von Historikern genannten Daten bestätigt.

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N40 prezintă frunze fosile de măslin european, găsite în Kimi, Nisyros și Santorini. Aceste frunze au o vechime de 50.000 de ani, fapt care confirmă existența măslinului în Grecia cu mult înainte de datele menționate de istorici.

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N40 показва вкаменени листа от европейска маслина, открити в Кими, Нисирос и Санторини. Тези листа са на възраст 50 000 години – факт, който потвърждава съществуването на маслини в Гърция много преди датите, посочени от историците.

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N40 montre des feuilles fossiles d’olivier européen, trouvées à Kimi, Nisyros et Santorin. Ces feuilles ont 50 000 ans, ce qui confirme l’existence de l’olivier en Grèce bien avant les dates mentionnées par les historiens.

Υποομάδα Ε | Subgroup E





απεικονίζεται η Φυτολογία της ελιάς. Αρχίζοντας από αριστερά προς τα δεξιά βλέπουμε φωτογραφίες και σχήματα από στοιχεία φυτολογίας.

Olive’s botanical description.

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Die botanische Beschreibung der Olive.

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Descrierea botanică a măslinului.

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Ботаническо описание на Olive.

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Description botanique de l’olive.






Olive tree's root system and a map of Greece with the distribution of olive cultivation.

N41 demonstrates an olive tree root system and a map of Greece with distribution of olive tree cultivation

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N41 zeigt das Wurzelwerk eines Olivenbaums und eine Karte Griechenlands mit der Verbreitung des Olivenbaumanbaus

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N41 prezintă un sistem de rădăcini de măslin și o hartă a Greciei cu distribuția cultivării măslinilor.

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N41 показва коренова система на маслиново дърво и карта на Гърция с разпространението на маслинови дървета

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N41 montre un système racinaire d’olivier et une carte de la Grèce avec la répartition des cultures d’oliviers.






Characteristics of the leaves and branches of the olive tree.

N42 shows the characteristics of olive tree leaves and branches

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N42 zeigt die Merkmale der Blätter und Zweige des Olivenbaums

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N42 prezintă caracteristicile frunzelor și ramurilor de măslin

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N42 показва характеристиките на листата и клоните на маслиновото дърво

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N42 présente les caractéristiques des feuilles et des branches d’olivier






Section of the olive (fruit) and depiction of its parts. Spread of olive growing in the world.

N43 shows a cut of the olive fruit and its parts. As well as the distribution of olive tree cultivation around the planet.

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N43 zeigt einen Schnitt der Olivenfrucht und ihrer Teile. Sowie die Verbreitung des Olivenbaumanbaus auf der ganzen Welt.

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N43 prezintă o tăietură a fructului de măslin și a părților sale. Precum și distribuția cultivării măslinilor pe planetă.

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N43 показва разрез на маслиновия плод и неговите части. Както и разпределението на отглеждането на маслинови дървета по цялата планета.

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N43 montre une coupe du fruit de l’olivier et de ses parties. Ainsi que la répartition de la culture de l’olivier sur la planète.






Ποικιλίες της ελιάς ανάλογα με το μέγεθος καρπού (μικρόκαρπες, μεσόκαρπες, αδρόκαρπες) καθώς και τις τρεις καλλωπιστικές ελιές (Αγριελιά, Λευκοελιά, Χρυσελιά).

N44 shows the varieties of olives depending on the size of the olive fruit (small fruits, middle fruits and large fruits) as well as three ornamental olives (wild olive, white olive and golden olive known as “chryselia”)

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N44 zeigt die Olivensorten je nach Größe der Olivenfrucht (kleine Früchte, mittlere Früchte und große Früchte) sowie drei Zieroliven (wilde Olive, weiße Olive und goldene Olive, bekannt als “Chryselie”)

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N44 prezintă varietățile de măsline în funcție de mărimea fructului măslinului (fructe mici, fructe mijlocii și fructe mari), precum și trei măsline ornamentale (măslinul sălbatic, măslinul alb și măslinul auriu cunoscut sub numele de “chryselia”).

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N44 показва сортовете маслини в зависимост от големината на маслиновия плод (малки плодове, средни плодове и големи плодове), както и три декоративни маслини (дива маслина, бяла маслина и златна маслина, известна като “хризелия”).

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N44 présente les variétés d’olives en fonction de la taille du fruit (petits fruits, fruits moyens et gros fruits) ainsi que trois olives ornementales (olive sauvage, olive blanche et olive dorée appelée “chryselia”).






Contemporary way of planting olive trees.

N45 shows the modern way of planting olives.

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N45 zeigt die moderne Art des Olivenanbaus.

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N45 prezintă modul modern de plantare a măslinelor.

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N45 показва съвременния начин на засаждане на маслини.

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N45 montre la façon moderne de planter les olives.






Needs of the olive tree in pruning, fertilizing and watering.

N46 demonstrates the care that the olive tree needs, pruning, fertilization and watering.

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N46 zeigt, welche Pflege der Olivenbaum braucht: Beschneidung, Düngung und Bewässerung.

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N46 demonstrează îngrijirea de care are nevoie măslinul, tăierea, fertilizarea și udarea.

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N46 демонстрира грижите, от които се нуждае маслиновото дърво – подрязване, наторяване и поливане.

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N46 montre les soins dont l’olivier a besoin, la taille, la fertilisation et l’arrosage.






Enemies of the olive tree and its fruit.

N47 demonstrates the enemies of both the olive tree and the olive fruit.

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N47 zeigt die Feinde des Olivenbaums und der Olivenfrucht auf.

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N47 demonstrează dușmanii atât ai măslinului, cât și ai fructului de măslin.

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N47 показва враговете както на маслиновото дърво, така и на маслиновите плодове.

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N47 montre les ennemis de l’olivier et du fruit de l’olivier.






Στον όροφο αυτό μπορούμε να δούμε διάφορες φωτογραφίες από την πρόσφατη ιστορία της Θάσου οι οποίες έχουν σχέση με την ελιά και το ελαιόλαδο. Σε μια από φωτογραφίες αυτές έχουμε 2 κατοίκους του Πρίνου που πολτοποιούν τον ελαιόκαρπο με τα πόδια.

  On this floor we can see various pictures of Thasos’s recent history which are related to the olive and olive oil. In one of these pictures we can see two residents of Prinos that are crushing the olive fruit using their feet.

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Auf dieser Etage sind verschiedene Bilder aus der jüngeren Geschichte von Thasos zu sehen, die mit der Olive und dem Olivenöl zu tun haben. Auf einem dieser Bilder sind zwei Einwohner von Prinos zu sehen, die die Olivenfrüchte mit ihren Füßen zerquetschen.

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La acest etaj putem vedea diverse imagini din istoria recentă a Thasosului care au legătură cu măslinele și uleiul de măsline. Într-una dintre aceste imagini putem vedea doi locuitori din Prinos care zdrobesc fructele de măslin cu ajutorul picioarelor.

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На този етаж могат да се видят различни снимки от близката история на Тасос, свързани с маслините и зехтина. На една от тези снимки се виждат двама жители на Принос, които мачкат маслинови плодове с краката си.

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Sur cet étage, on peut voir plusieurs photos de l’histoire récente de Thasos qui sont liées à l’olive et à l’huile d’olive. Sur l’une de ces photos, on peut voir deux habitants de Prinos qui écrasent les fruits de l’olivier avec leurs pieds.






Επίσης βλέπουμε και ένα πίνακα με τις ποικιλίες ελιάς και την μεταξύ τους σχέση με βάση το γονιδιόγραμμα.

  We can also see a board with the olive varieties and the connection between them based on the genogram.

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Wir können auch eine Tafel mit den Olivensorten und der Verbindung zwischen ihnen anhand des Genogramms sehen.

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Putem vedea, de asemenea, un panou cu soiurile de măsline și legătura dintre ele pe baza genogramei.

Автоматичен превод с DeepL

Можем да видим и табло със сортовете маслини и връзката между тях въз основа на генограмата.

Traduction automatique avec DeepL

Nous pouvons également voir un tableau avec les variétés d’olives et le lien entre elles sur la base du génogramme.






Από τα ενδιάμεσα παράθυρα μπορούμε να δούμε το σύγχρονο ελαιοτριβείο μας με τους αποθηκευτικούς του χώρους και το συσκευαστήριο του

  From the intermediate windows we can see out modern olive mill with its storage spaces and its packaging plant

  Automatisch übersetzt mit DeepL

Von den Zwischenfenstern aus kann man die moderne Olivenmühle mit ihren Lagerräumen und ihrer Verpackungsanlage sehen.

Traducere automată cu DeepL

De la ferestrele intermediare se poate vedea moara de măsline modernă cu spațiile de depozitare și instalația de ambalare.

Автоматичен превод с DeepL

От междинните прозорци се вижда модерната фабрика за маслини с нейните складови помещения и опаковъчна инсталация.

Traduction automatique avec DeepL

Les fenêtres intermédiaires permettent de voir le moulin à huile moderne avec ses espaces de stockage et son usine d’emballage.






Στην ΑΙΘΟΥΣΑ ΠΡΟΒΟΛΩΝ μπορούμε να παρακολουθήσουμε μια βιντεοταινία, από τις τρεις, με αντικείμενο:

  1.  Η πρώτη έχει αντικείμενο την ελιά και το ελαιόλαδο με αναφορές στην ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό.
  2. Η δεύτερη πώς παράγεται ένα ποιοτικό ελαιόλαδο.
  3. Και η τρίτη βιντεοταινία μας δείχνει πως παράγεται η βρώσιμη ελιά.

  In the PROJECTION ROOM, we can see one of three movies about:

  1. The first one is about olive and olive oil with references in culture and history.
  2. The second video is about how high quality olive oil is produced.
  3. And lastly the third video demonstrates how edible olives are made.
  Automatisch übersetzt mit DeepL

Im PROJEKTIONSRAUM können wir einen von drei Filmen sehen:

  1. Im ersten geht es um Oliven und Olivenöl mit Bezügen zur Kultur und Geschichte.
  2. Im zweiten Video geht es darum, wie hochwertiges Olivenöl hergestellt wird.
  3. Und das dritte Video zeigt, wie essbare Oliven hergestellt werden.
Traducere automată cu DeepL

În SALA DE PROIECȚIE, putem vedea unul dintre cele trei filme despre:

1. Primul este despre măsline și uleiul de măsline, cu referințe în cultură și istorie.
2. Al doilea filmuleț este despre cum se produce uleiul de măsline de înaltă calitate.
3. Și, în sfârșit, al treilea videoclip demonstrează cum se produc măslinele comestibile.

Автоматичен превод с DeepL

В ПРОЕКЦИОННАТА ЗАЛА можем да гледаме един от трите филма за:

1. Първият е за маслините и зехтина с препратки към културата и историята.
2. Вторият филм е за това как се произвежда висококачествен зехтин.
3. И накрая третото видео показва как се произвеждат ядливи маслини.

Traduction automatique avec DeepL

Dans la salle de projection, nous pouvons voir l’un des trois films suivants :

1. Le premier est consacré à l’olive et à l’huile d’olive, avec des références à la culture et à l’histoire.
2. La deuxième vidéo traite de la production d’une huile d’olive de haute qualité.
3. Enfin, la troisième vidéo montre comment sont fabriquées les olives comestibles.

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Time schedule

From 1st of May
The Olive Oil Museum Prinos, Thassos, is opened for visitors
Mon-Sat: 09:00 - 16:00
Sundays: Closed

From 1st of June
The Olive Oil Museum Prinos, Thassos, is opened for visitors
Δευ–Κυρ: 09:00 – 19:30


Saturday 29 June
The Olive Oil Museum Prinos, Thassos, is opened for visitors
09:00 – 18:00

Sunday 30 June
The Olive Oil Museum Prinos, Thassos, is opened for visitors
10:00 – 19:30

From 22th of July
The Olive Oil Museum Prinos, Thassos, is opened for visitors
Mon-Sun: 09:00 - 19:00

From September 1st
The Olive Oil Museum Prinos, Thassos, is open for visitors
Monday to Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Closed on Sundays


From 28th of September
The Olive Oil Museum Prinos, Thassos, is open for visitors
Mon-Sat: 09:00 - 16:00
Closed on Sundays

From 15th October
The museum will be closed to visitors and will be open only by appointment at least one day in advance.

"Rendez-vous au printemps"
(See you in Spring)

Time schedule

From 17th October
Museum will remain closed for visitors. You can visit it
only upon request at tel: +30 25930 71950